[Ely Events] Your broadcasting bulletins are now available

Steven Levitt Steven.Levitt at rowans-music.co.uk
Wed May 23 08:39:10 GMT 2007

I have been putting up the broadcasting bulletins each week, but following emails from a number of
people asking to be removed from the events list because they didn't want to get these weekly
reminders, I haven't been posting to the list.

It would be helpful to get some feedback. If you are happy just to look on the web to see if the
bulletins are available - they are usually put up between Wednesday and Friday (next week will be
Friday as I am away until then), it does save me a job. 

If you would rather have an email saying when they are available, then please let me know.

I will take total silence to mean that you would rather not be reminded.


Steven Levitt [mailto:steven.levitt at rowans-music.co.uk]


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