[Ely Events] Festival Guide

Steven Levitt Steven.Levitt at rowans-music.co.uk
Wed May 23 09:47:01 GMT 2007

Just a reminder that even though the Ely Ensign is no more, the Festival Guide is available all year
round, to publicise your Flower Festivals, Concerts, Singing Workshops, Fundraising activities etc.

The Diocesan Diary is not really a facility for these events, as it is principally there to
advertise Diocesan rather than parish events, so if you want anything publicised, send me the
information to mailto:diary at ely.anglican.org and I will endeavour to put it up for you.

Wednesday is usually the day that I make available to the Diocese for this, so if you have anything
that urgently needs to go up for this week, you'd better be quick!


Steven Levitt [mailto:steven.levitt at rowans-music.co.uk]


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