[Ely Announce] Swine Flu

Sarah King sarah.king at ely.anglican.org
Tue Sep 22 09:36:27 GMT 2009

Dear Colleagues, 

You will perhaps have seen reports in the Church press that the
Archbishops may 'soften' their advice about the suspension of the
chalice at the Eucharist, and that a number of dioceses have reverted to
the practice of communion in both kinds, given that the advance of the
infection nationally has slowed over the summer.

However, in keeping with the advice from the majority of dioceses in the
country, as endorsed by the House of Bishops, Bishop Anthony recommends
that we maintain the precautionary measures generously and thoughtfully
put into place by so many parishes earlier in the year and do not relax
our vigilance.  

The following further statement has been received from the Archbishops,
which Bishop Anthony commends to us.   Please note the Archbishops'
point that their advice of July this year that the chalice should be
suspended has not changed, and that responsible practice in this area is
not primarily about protecting ourselves, but about avoiding
transmitting infection unwittingly to others.   This has been the thrust
of Bishop Anthony's advice to us in recent months, and it remains his
considered counsel. 

For your information, the situation across the diocese at 18 September
2009 is that the number of suspected H1N1 cases has risen in the past
two weeks, but this does not necessarily mean the start yet of a second
wave of the virus.  There are currently 10 people in hospitals in the
East of England with an H1N1 related condition, but none of these is in
critical care.  There have been four deaths of East of England residents
relating to swine flu.   Though the county's antiviral centres have
closed for the time being, with drugs presently being issued from
pharmacies, the county and regional monitoring groups continue to meet
regularly, and the situation is under daily review.  

Statement from the Archbishops 16.9.09 


At the end of July the Department of Health advised us that the pandemic
had reached the stage at which 'it makes good sense to limit the spread
of disease by not sharing common vessels for food and drink.'

In the light of this we felt it would be irresponsible not to alert
parishes and dioceses to this advice, and to recommend the suspension of
the administration of the chalice while the Department of Health
information and advice remained as it was. To date the advice we have
been given has not changed. 

Of course national advice given by Archbishops is just that - advice -
as indeed is any separate advice that Bishops may decide to give to

Judgments about the best course of action in particular contexts may
vary, but it remains important

a)         to encourage everyone to recognise that the Church has a
responsibility to take public health considerations seriously, and 

b)         to ensure that communication around the Church is good so
that we don't appear to be at sixes and sevens, and

c)         to remember that responsible practice in this area is not
primarily about protecting ourselves, but about avoiding transmitting
infection unwittingly to others.

We are keeping regular contact nationally with the Department of Health
and all relevant information and advice will be passed on. 

We have decided to review our own advice towards the end of October, in
the light of the information, statistics, and guidance coming by then
from the Department of Health. By that time the progress of the
vaccination programme and the effects of schools and universities having
started back will be assessed. 

 If at that stage the perceived risk is significantly lower than when we
issued our advice at the end of July, then fresh guidelines will be
given. We would urge patience and vigilance until we have reached that

+ Rowan Cantuar                                        + Sentamu Ebor:  



Michael Goater
Bishop's Adviser for Emergency Planning

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