[Ely Announce] Car Parking at Addenbrooke's Hospital

Owen Spencer-Thomas owenst at btinternet.com
Wed Jun 11 16:46:55 GMT 2008

The Addenbrooke's Hospital Chaplaincy Team wish to inform clergy visiting parishioners of the present car parking arrangements:  

Following changes to car parking facilities at Addenbrooke's I would like to clarify the situation for local clergy visiting parishioners in hospital.  

Please park in the Addenbrooke's Treatment Centre car park (formerly car park F).  This is best accessed from the Robinson Way entrance (off Long Road, near the sixth form college).  If you are visiting during office hours please come to the Chaplaincy office (located behind the chapel which is on the main concourse) and ask for a yellow ticket.  The yellow ticket needs to be validated in the pay machine before you leave the car park; this will allow you to park for free.

If you are visiting outside office hours please press the intercom button when you exit the car park.  This will connect you to Security; explain that you are local clergy visiting a parishioner and they will open the barrier for you.

Please do not park in the new multi storey - this is operated by NCP and there are no concessions for this car park.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Lisa Luck, Chaplaincy Administrator, Box 105.  Telephone: 01223 217769. Internal: 3769

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