[Ely Announce] Pastoral Note to the Clergy of the Diocese of Ely

Marion Howard marion.howard at ely.anglican.org
Wed Jul 9 15:04:56 GMT 2008

Pastoral Note to the Clergy of the Diocese


The debate about the consecration of women to the episcopate has been making progress over many years.  Two years ago, the Church formally agreed that it would move towards consecrating women to the episcopate.  The recent debate has been about the means by which this would be achieved and the mechanisms that could be put in place to safeguard those who disagree.


I realise that the decision will have considerable consequences for all of us, although the process is still in a relatively early stage.  


I wanted to assure you, as I go to the Lambeth Conference at Canterbury, of my prayers and concern both for you and for the future, and would ask for your prayers as I engage in the life of the Conference.





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