[Ely Announce] Appointment Announcement - Communications Officer

Sarah King sarah.king at ely.anglican.org
Fri Jul 4 08:46:43 GMT 2008

The Bishop of Ely is very pleased to announce his appointment of Mrs Val Robson as Communications Officer for the Diocese.  


Mrs Robson has a degree in Computer Science and has extensive experience over some twenty five years working in the computer industry.  During the course of the last fifteen years she has had appointments as Computer Manager in two Cambridge Colleges, and through her involvement with the parish church in Histon her skills in the compilation of newsletters, copy-editing and the maintenance of IT services have been in great demand.  She is already familiar with the life and structures of the diocese, its departments and people, and having almost completed a Open University Certificate in Web Applications Development she is well suited for one of her first tasks which will be an overhaul and maintenance of the diocesan web-site. 


In addition, and in line with the recommendations of the recent Communication Working Party report, she will be responsible for producing a new, regular diocesan newsletter and other appropriate written material to be available to parishes in both downloadable and hard copy form.  


This is a part-time post and Mrs Robson will have a base in the Diocesan Office.


Sarah King
Assistant Secretary
sarah.king at ely.anglican.org

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