[Ely Announce] Flood Appeal - closing date & gift aid

Owen Spencer-Thomas owenst at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 31 18:35:20 GMT 2007

Closing Date

We have had enquiries about the closing date for the Bishop's Flood Appeal, asking if it's okay if donations arrive after the 10th August.

Yes, there's no problem.  The date has been set at 10th August so that we can respond quickly to the needs of the Worcester Diocese. However, we often receive donations after the deadline and our Accounts Adminstrator Janice Sulman at the Diocesan Office is happy to accept any cheques that arrive after this date.

We plan to forward donations that arrive after the closing date in September.  

Gift Aid

We have also been asked about the Gift Aid arrangements.  A parish cannot Gift Aid their contribution, but individual donors can.  Those wishing to do so may send their cheques direct to Janice enclosing a note with their name and address indicating that:

1.      they wish to Gift Aid
2.      they are UK tax payers

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