[Ely Announce] Art & Spirituality Workshop : last-minute places for 7th March

Bridget Nichols Bridget.Nichols at ely.anglican.org
Tue Mar 6 14:43:21 GMT 2012

Owing to some late cancellations, there are 5 places available for
tomorrow's art & spirituality workshop,  led by Sophie Hacker, the
artist-in-residence at Winchester Cathedral. These places will be
available, on a first come, first served basis, until 4 p.m. today.
Participants have been asked to bring:


A bible

Writing paper and pen

Large carrier bag and cardboard box (like a wine box) - this is to carry
home the things they'll be making!

Old newspapers (helps to cover surfaces etc)

Old overshirt to keep themselves clean

A large stone or pebble  - to fit comfortably in the hand


The timetable will be as follows:


10am arrivals and welcome with coffee

10.30 first session

11.45 meditation

12.30 lunch 

1.15 creative session begins

3.45 clear up

4.00 finish


The venue is the Bishop's House, Ely.


Please telephone the Bishop's Office (01353 662 749) if you would like
to apply for a place.

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