[Ely Announce] Au revoir!

Owen Spencer-Thomas owenst at btinternet.com
Thu Mar 31 18:46:18 GMT 2011

As you may have heard, I am putting down my notepad and pen today and am retiring after 11 years with the Diocese of Ely - at first as Director of Communications and latterly as Press Officer for the Bishops.  

As a former full-time news journalist in radio and TV for many years in this region and in London, it has been a great privilege to combine my priestly and journalistic roles in what has been a happy and rewarding time.  

I have enjoyed a stimulating decade in my twilight years seeing and promoting many of the exciting events that have happened in the Diocese.  I'd like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your continued support during this time.  


Having reached the tender age of 71 earlier this month, and nearly 38 years in the priesthood, it seems an appropriate time to move on and achieve some of my unfulfilled ambitions.  


If you still require support when speaking the press, radio or TV, I have prepared some Media Tips which Val Robson has posted on the Diocesan Website http://www.ely.anglican.org/information/media-tips/promote_your_church.html 


This is not a final goodbye as I shall still be working on a number of projects which may well bring us in contact again and so I look forward to keeping in touch.  I shall also continue to assist with services at Ely Cathedral and within the parish of The Ascension, Cambridge.


I plan to continue to write and broadcast. As they say, old journalists never really retire, they just rewrite their best stories.


Best wishes and God bless



Canon Dr Owen Spencer-Thomas, MBE                                                      
52 Windsor Road

Phone:  01223 358448
Mobile: 07801 492151
Email:  owenst at btinternet.com

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