[Ely Announce] Diocesan Secretary Announcement

Val Robson dco.ely at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 17:48:17 GMT 2010

  The Bishop of Huntingdon is very pleased to announce the appointment 
of *Graham Shorter* as the new Ely Diocesan Secretary. Graham will be 
taking up his post early in the new year.

The son of a veterinary surgeon, Graham comes from Bury St Edmunds where 
he was a partner in chartered accountants Grant Thornton, including nine 
years as managing partner. His family has close links with Cambridge - 
Graham read modern languages at Trinity Hall; his two sons were choral 
scholars at St John's College; and his wife Anne did her ordination 
training at Westcott House. She is currently serving her title as a 
full-time stipendiary curate in St Peter's, Brackley in the Diocese of 

Graham has a varied church background, having worshipped at the Round 
Church Cambridge, Holy Trinity Brompton, St Edmundsbury Cathedral and a 
rural benefice of six parishes. His great love is music. He plays the 
organ and keyboards and also directs the choir at St Peter's.

Graham said, "I am thrilled to be given this opportunity to serve in the 
Diocese of Ely."

Ven John Beer
/Archdeacon of Cambridge/

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