[Ely Announce] Emergency numbers over Christmas and New Year

Bridget Nichols bridget.nichols at ely.anglican.org
Wed Dec 22 15:51:09 GMT 2010

The electrical disruptions during building works in The Bishop’s House have left the Office answering machine in an unreliable state. There will consequently not be a recorded message giving contact numbers for clergy needing to be in touch with senior staff members. 

If you need a conversation with Bishop David or one of the Archdeacons, please use the numbers listed in the Diocesan Directory. Not all the senior staff will be at home throughout the period from Christmas to 4th January, but there will always be someone near enough to respond to telephone message. If the member of staff you are trying to speak to is not available, please try one of their colleagues. 

We hope very much that no one will be afflicted by the sort of situation that needs this kind of arrangement to be in place, but would not like you to be without any means of contact.

A blessed and happy Christmas to all.

Bridget Nichols

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