[Ely Announce] 55 Lay Ministers commissioned

Owen Spencer-Thomas owenst at btinternet.com
Sun Sep 16 20:35:15 GMT 2007

      55 Authorised Lay Ministers (ALMs) have been commissioned by the Bishop of Huntingdon, Dr John Inge, at Ely Cathedral (16 September) to begin a variety of ministries in many different parishes across Cambridgeshire and West Norfolk. 

      The Lay Ministers have just completed a year's training programme designed to help them build the skills needed for specialised service in the Christian ministry. Now they will join local ministry teams to undertake a range of tasks - such as leading worship or music, church administration, ministering to children or young people, and other forms of pastoral work in their local community. 

      This is the second commissioning following a new training initiative inaugurated in 2005. Last autumn 81 new ministers were commissioned to begin work and enrich the Church life in their parishes.

      "The past two years have seen a wonderful response to this diocesan initiative.," said the Revd Christine Worsley, Ministerial and Adult Learning Officer. "It is a pleasure to see so many ALMs thriving across the diocese." 

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