Marion Howard marion.howard at ely.anglican.org
Mon Jul 23 08:23:39 GMT 2007

Spate of Burglaries in churches

There has been a spate of burglaries in Churches in S.Cambs.  The severity of these burglaries has recently increased and in the last 2 burglaries the safes were actually removed.

These burglaries typically take place between 5pm and 9am.

Entry is usually via the back of the Church through forced or removed doors or windows.

Churches close to the A14 seem to be particularly vulnerable.


We would encourage Church leaders, parishioners and the congregation to keep an eye on their Church, to remove all items of value and consider improvements to security.

We would also ask that they make a note of anything suspicious, taking especial care to note vehicle index numbers and descriptions of people, and report it to the police on 0845 456 456 4 .


The Community Safety Unit at Parkside Police Station would be very happy to give further details on security. For information and advice contact them on 01223 823327 or via email on ellen.muirhead at cambs.pnn.police.uk.

Mrs Marion Howard
Personal Assistant to the Bishop of Ely

Tel: 01353 662749

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