[Ely Announce] North Nene Parishes

Marion Howard marion.howard at ely.anglican.org
Mon Feb 21 15:33:47 GMT 2005

The Bishop is pleased to announce that The Pastoral Scheme to reorganise the parishes of Leverington, Tydd St Giles, Newton, Wisbech St Mary and Guyhirn, Gorefield, Southea with Murrow and Parson Drove has now come into force. It forms what will be known as the "North Nene Parishes". 

Although the parishes will increasingly work together, the Revd Colin Hurst will be the incumbent of Wisbech St Mary and Guyhirn with Rings End, Gorefield, Southea with Murrow and Parson Drove, while the Revd Sandra Gardner will be the incumbent of Leverington, Tydd St Giles and Newton. 

It is also hoped that a House for Duty post for the whole Group, with the priest living in Newton, may be filled in due course.

Mrs. Marion Howard

Bishop's Secretary

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