[Ely Announce] Parish Burglaries

Bridget Nichols bridget.nichols at ely.anglican.org
Thu Nov 11 13:54:56 GMT 2004

There have been a number of burglaries of churches in the Diocese in the
last week or so.  Burglary is a distressing crime as not only are items of
financial and sentimental value stolen, but there is usually a good deal of
damage as well.  Windows can be repaired and door locks replaced, but the
theft of items of communion silver or the Reserved Sacrament is somewhat
more difficult to cope with.

Please be on the look out.  Burglars will 'case the joint' to decide on a
point of entry, before they commit the crime, and someone will see them.
Urge members of the congregation and local people to look out for you.  The
more people who visit the church and its surrounds the better to deter the
person who is up to no good.

One of the aspects of the latest burglaries has been that key safes have
been forced open and the carefully labelled keys inside used to open safes
and strong boxes.  So you are urged not to leave keys in church, even if you
think they are safe or well hidden.  You can be sure the burglar will know
exactly where to find them.

The ChurchCare website www.churchcare.co.uk has useful tips and advice.

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