Church Extension Progress



Much to our dismay Huntingdonshire District Council have just rejected our planning application. This resulted largely because bodies with whom we had discussed our plans, and received tentative agreement to our proposals, did an about turn and recommended that the scheme be rejected.


The grounds for refusal are that the location, size, design, and detailing of the proposed extension would :-
1. Adversely affect the special architectural and historic interest, character and appearance of the Grade 1 listed church and adjacent Grade 1 listed Buckden Towers.
2. Adversely affect the character and appearance of Buckden Conservation Area.
3. Adversely affect adjacent Schedule Ancient Monument of Buckden Towers.
4. The existing yew and holly trees would be removed to the detriment of the character and appearance of this part of the designated Buckden Conservation Area and views into this part of the Buckden Conservation Area and the street scene in general.


The Extension Sub-committee have met to discuss the rejection and consider our next move which will be discussed by the PCC at a special meeting on 8 August 2001. Please pray for God's guidance in this matter.




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